picture #11: tour3.jpg

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2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
TOUR 3. START: Bahnhof Alexanderplatz
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Alexanderplatz mit Fernsehturm
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Rotes Rathaus
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Ehemaliger Palast der Republik
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Auswärtiges Amt
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Berliner Dom
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Neue Wache
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Bebelplatz mit Mahnmal der Bücherverbrennung
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Checkpoint Charlie
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Unter den Linden
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Pariser Platz mit Brandenburger Tor
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
ZIEL: Hauptbahnhof