picture #1: tour1.jpg

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There are 17 existing comments...

2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
TOUR 1. START/ZIEL: Hauptbahnhof
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Sony Center
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Bundesministerium der Finanzen
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Hotel Adlon
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Brandenburger Tor
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Der Rufer
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Sowjetisches Ehrenmal
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Straße des 17. Juni
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Großer Stern mit Siegessäule
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Schloss Bellevue
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
2008-06-06 by florian [mail] [url]
Mist! Ich habe an dem Tag den ZombieWalk am Alexanderplatz verpasst. ;-) http://www.zombiewalks.de/16-0-berlin.html